8. STEAM - EAST 17 Steam steam There's no need to be afraid Steam steam Let the lake of love flow Steam steam 2 night let's become one soul Steam steam steam steam Steam steam steam steam Call me for the pleasure You can call me for the path Call me on the phone Or on the metal plane I'll be the freak you need I contain what U came 4 Come without karma To destruct the dance floor Rise to the top, never stop Drop like a cream U bring the body and I'll bring the steam Love can love you Love can heal you Love can see you Love can feel you Love can warm you (oh babe) Love can calm you Love will help you Love won't harm you Steam, like cream dream Never stop rising I'll rub ya like a wave Going out while the tides in Precious bubbilicious Hard or nice n'easy Smooth with the move to soothe Dry or greay Here is your harmony Here is your friend Kindred spirit of etheral blend Meet me on a cloud Go on a journey, sure I'll take your body On a mistery tour The clock upon your wall Is tickin' slower and slower Time disappears And I go lower and lower I know your final fantasy But I can repeat that Doubting about me Bet your doubt I'll defeat that I'm your spiritual dancer Your emotion enhancer Any way you wanna go Whether below or on top I'll love you down All around in and out and all about I got your lover non stop Outside it's a raining but inside is wet